BSN Honors Program
Health Equity & Advocacy Track
Do you envision yourself becoming a nurse advocate? Are you interested in maternal health equity and how health care policy and professional engagement can make an impact on patient outcomes? If so, we invite you to apply to an exciting co-curricular program offered to UTMB's BSN students.
To provide innovative approaches to developing the undergraduate nursing student skill set in addressing maternal health inequities through advocacy, policy exploration, professional engagement, and service-learning.
Summary / Overview

The School of Nursing Honors Program Health Equity & Advocacy Track, which is offered in parallel with the BSN program, is a co-curricular opportunity for UTMB baccalaureate Spring entry nursing students interested in fostering their skills in advocacy and policy with a special focus on women's health equity. These students also will explore health disparities for vulnerable populations while developing real-time, student-led education and bedside support for pregnant incarcerated women.
Offers a unique experience for those seeking to become advocates for at-risk populations while fostering cultural competency, scholarship engagement, and leadership skills.
Opportunities to explore how the concepts can impact practice and outcomes for the communities they serve.
Provides mentorship and shadowing experiences, as well as real-time patient engagement and education for incarcerated mothers.
Track Details
Each BAMBI Advocacy Student Scholar (BASS) cohort (up to 8 students) will participate in 2 modules per semester. These modules will rotate throughout each academic year, so students complete all six before graduation. Students will experience unique opportunities such as shadowing nurse lactation specialists, attending events related to nursing advocacy and professional engagement, and engaging with nurse and community leaders who care for vulnerable populations.
Students will explore how to mitigate health disparities in maternal and population health settings through newly acquired skills and the promotion of health equity. Students will also participate in special events designed to promote advocacy growth, including a panel discussion with local nurse leaders, and community leaders as well as events that broaden their perspective on women's equity health issues and how the influence of policy and advocacy can impact patient outcomes. Students must meet track criteria each semester to remain in the track and receive benefits from the track.
Health Equity & Advocacy Track Timeline
Health Equity & Advocacy Track Values
- To promote a transformative experience that produces nursing advocates that will advance the nursing profession now and in the future.
- Preparing professional nurses to seek opportunities their role provides.
- Fostering an understanding of advocacy to discover how policy impacts practice and vulnerable populations.
- 8 entering BSN Traditional students selected each Spring semester
- Interested students submit short answer application and letter of recommendation from someone who can attest to their leadership and advocacy potential
- Applicants reviewed and selected by School of Nursing faculty, leadership, and collaborators
- An interview may be offered for final candidates
- Attend and complete all 6 program modules, completed over 3 semesters in concurrence with the BSN program
- Compile an advocacy and professionalism portfolio
- Short reflection on module sessions
- Prepare policy brief on topic of related legislative interest
- End program project related to health equity, policy or advocacy
- Attend scheduled meetings and events
At no cost to the participant, students will be challenged and engaged in unique activities that build confidence and leadership competencies including:
- Strengthen skills in patient education, patient interaction, and refinement of the helping relationship for vulnerable populations
- Increased awareness of ethical and human rights issues and policy impacts on historically excluded populations
- Increased self-confidence and self-efficacy in communication skills
- Additional specialty nursing focus: obstetrics, gynecology, community, and infant care
- Service opportunities with vulnerable populations- Population Health clinical hours (3rd semester)
Health Equity & Advocacy Track Modules

Each cohort of BASS students will participate in two modules per semester. Modules will rotate so that students complete all six prior to graduation. Through these modules, students will explore how to mitigate health disparities in maternal and population health settings through newly acquired skills and promotion of health equity. Depending on the module's activities, students can expect to spend on average 4-8 hours per module. Modules will be scheduled to avoid class/lab/clinical time conflicts. Concepts covered include:
Meet our 2024-25 Cohort BASS Scholars

Aishat Adeniyi-Adeoye was born in Lagos, Nigeria and raised in Richmond, Tx. She graduated from Travis High School and received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology in 2022. Aishat chose nursing because she wanted a career where she could establish meaningful patient relationships and eventually help advocate for better healthcare rights. In the future Aishat hopes to open up various women's health clinics in my home country.
I have always been passionate about women's rights which is why I was initially drawn to BASS. I wanted to join an organization that could help me gain more knowledge and experience on how to better advocate for equal and efficient healthcare rights while also learning how to become a culturally competent and well-equipped nurse.

Brooke Turner, BASS Co-Leader, was born in San Antonio, Texas and raised in Boerne, Texas. She graduated from Boerne High School in 2019. Brooke earned her bachelor's degree in allied health with a minor in Psychology from Texas A&M University in 2023 and was a part of the Corps of Cadets.
I choose nursing because I have a passion for health, and I wanted a career where I can make a difference in someone's life. I love the patient relationship aspect of nursing which is what led me to choosing BASS. I chose BASS because of the opportunities to learn about advocacy and health equity. I want to be able to implement advocacy into my nursing practice and learn about patient centered care.

Alexandra Le Blanc was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She graduated from Louisiana Tech University in 2020, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and lettered four years on the Women's Soccer team. After college, she worked as a Staff Engineer for three years before deciding to go back to school to pursue nursing. Since grade school, she has always found joy in serving her community and believes a career in nursing will give her the ultimate purpose and fulfillment.
I am grateful to be a part of BASS and am looking forward to the opportunity to educate and advocate for women in vulnerable populations. I am eager to learn and work alongside individuals with different perspectives that share similar mindsets when it comes to equity and advocacy in healthcare.

Benjamin Nwachukwu graduated from high school in 2021 and become an Honor's College scholar at Houston Community College, where he earned his Associate of Science in Biology (Nursing Specialization). Benjamin's passion to help people is what drove him to the healthcare field. On top of his studies to become a nurse, he has continued to volunteer during his free time in hopes of serving his community.
I chose the University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing (SON) because I want to be a part of the long line of nurses that have received a UTMB education. UTMB has kept up and exceeded in providing tremendous growth for nurses and nursing education. Among the many amazing opportunities I have received within the nursing program, I am proud to have been selected as a member of the BASS team. I know the experience I gain from this program will be invaluable, and I hope to make an impact with the work my teammates and I do for the program.

Morgan Hawkins, BASS Co-Leader, was born and raised in Lake Jackson, TX. After completing the clinicals program at her high school, she attended Texas A&M University where she graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Public Health. Afterward, she volunteered in several medical facilities and worked as a Registered Behavioral Technician where she developed a passion for working with vulnerable populations. She is looking forward to pursuing a career in nursing where she can make a difference in peoples' lives.
BASS is a wonderful opportunity to educate and empower women on our journey toward health equity. I hope to gain knowledge and skills that will enable me to be a strong advocate and a compassionate nurse.
Track Coordinator