• iLead Project | iPad
  • iLead Project | iPad
  • iLead Project | iPad With a Case


Innovative Learning Environment Accelerating Discovery

We are pleased to be recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2021-2024 for our use of innovation in learning, teaching, and leading with technology in the classroom.

We believe Apple Distinguished Schools are some of the most innovative schools in the world. They're centers of leadership and educational excellence that demonstrate our vision of exemplary learning environments. They use Apple products to inspire student creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Leadership in our recognized schools cultivate environments in which students are excited about learning, curiosity is fostered, and learning is a personal experience. (Apple, ADS Program 2019)

Leading the way Forward

In 1998, UTMB School of Nursing pioneered the first online graduate nursing education program in Texas. With that tradition of embracing technology, we are exploring ways of expanding iLead and investigating innovative ideas as we adapt to new ways of learning using the iPad. These include more student collaborations on projects, poster presentations, class assignments, research, and other activities. Through Interprofessional Education (IPE) we have been able to bring in other disciplines to engage with our students that adds value to their experience. We anticipate reaching out to our Health System with student demonstrations and quality improvement projects and adding even more IPE learning activities with the Schools of Medicine and Health Professions.

UTMB successfully launched the iLead program with the Summer 2019 BSN Traditional Undergraduate program's incoming cohort. This cohort was the first to use the iPad as a tool throughout the entirety of their program to ensure an engaging and interactive learning experience.

Group Collaboration with iPad
Group Collaboration with iPad

iLead Today

iPad in a Double Robot for Remote Learning
iPad in a Double Robot for Remote Learning

UTMB School of Nursing has successfully integrated Apple technology into our classrooms within the Department of Undergraduate Studies, and several Graduate programs. Our experience shows that the 1:1 iPad implementation facilitates students' active learning and empowers innovative pedagogy for educating future nurses. The power and immediacy of the iPad technology facilitates students' engagement and encourages critical thinking in a manner equally accessible to novice and tech-savvy students.

To date, 91% of our BSN Faculty and 63% of our Graduate Faculty are Certified Apple Teachers, and 88% of students that have graduated since iLead began have reported that the iPad has been a positive addition to their curriculum.

Augmented Reality on iPad
Augmented Reality on iPad

iLead in Action

  • iLead Launch 2019

  • Student Simulation

  • BSN Faculty

  • Graduate Faculty

  • Student Simulation

  • Interprofessional Simulation

  • iLead Launch 2019

  • Video Production

  • Podcast Production

  • Student Simulation

  • iLead Launch 2019

  • Student Simulation

  • iLead Launch 2019

  • Student Simulation

  • Simulation

    iLead Success Stories

    • Students were very engaged. Many of them seemed to have 'a-ha' moments while using their iPad devices during case studies and creating a plan of care for a patient. - Morgan Cangelosi, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CCRN, Apple Distinguished Educator, BSN Assistant Professor

    • Having access to the iPad helped me better organize my notes and textbooks onto one device, saved me money by purchasing eversions of the textbooks instead of paper copies, and really transformed how I utilize technology for learning. Before coming to school here, I had never used an iPad or tablet.I appreciate the efforts that everyone at UTMB has put into implementing this technology initiative. - Daniel Frost, BSN Class of 2021

    • Thank you so much for the administration of the iPad. My studying habits have improved significantly. I am very accustomed to whiteboards and markers which has shaped the way I study and tutor other students. Being a visual/artistic person, the iPad has made studying easier, more comfortable, and so much more fun for me than pencil and paper notes. Again, I can't thank you enough for allowing us such resourceful tools to help us through our nursing journey - Jose Garcia, BSN Sudent

    • The introduction of iLead represents a giant leap forward in encouraging learning. One of the things that excites me about teaching future nurses is engaging them in active learning. When you are an involved participant in your own learning, you get so much more out of it. - Laura King, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, BSN Clinical Instructor

    • This format can be extremely engaging and has the potential to apply as much, or even more, critical thinking and prioritization skills. We are continuing to discover that, when both faculty and students are engaged with the experience, critical skills can be taught just as effectively. - Jacquelyn Svoboda, DNP, APRN, WHNP-C, Director of Educational Innovations, BSN Associate Professor

    • From vision to reality, the iLead initiative has been an exciting venture to bring iPad technology to faculty, students and staff to facilitate active learning. I am proud of the way our school has actively engaged using the iPad in classroom, laboratories and virtual settings.I look forward to the exciting ways we will integrate the iPad at all levels of nursing education in the future to assist students in developing knowledge acquisition, discovery and clinical judgement skills. - Trish Richard, PhD, RN, Department Chair for Undergraduate Studies, BSN Professor

      Apple Distinguished School