School of Nursing
At a Glance
By The Numbers
Average NCLEX pass rate of our undergraduate students.
Degrees conferred on Average per year.
321 BSN
183 MSN
23 DNP
4 PhD
17 Certificates
Over 15,000 UTMB School of Nursing alumni are recognized as leaders in health care, education and research across the nation.
Year UTMB School of Nursing opened its doors as the John Sealy Hospital Training School for Nurses, first nursing school west of Mississippi.
Our enrollment has grown 103% over the last ten (10) years.
90% of our students have secured employment upon graduation.
Resources at Your Disposal

Health Education Center
Within the Health Education Center (HEC), learners practice and develop skill proficiency required for team-based, safe, quality patient-centered care using evidence-based methodologies and state-of-art-technology.
Moody Medical Library
Advancing education, research, patient care and public service programs of UTMB by obtaining, applying and disseminating biomedical information.

Student Success Center
The Student Success Center (SSC) offers academic support services for students such as virtual, in-person, and "after-hours" appointments to accommodate students' schedules.

Tutoring Services
Our tutors are comprised of both current and former students, supporting our students' academic studies – inside and outside of the classroom.

Multimedia Lab (MML)
Dedicated members with extensive training & experience in instructional design, website and software development, photography, videography, and podcasts.

Field House
UTMB Alumni Field House has been a place for students, alumni, employees, retirees, and their families to unwind, get in shape, and have fun.

Island Living & Life
Located along the scenic Texas coast, Galveston offers students opportunities to study and learn in a comfortable and close knit community.