RISE Center

Research Innovation and Scientific Excellence

Training Resources

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Clinical Research

Intro to Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

The Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (IPPCR) course trains registrants on how to effectively and safely conduct clinical research. The course focuses on the spectrum of clinical research and the research process by highlighting biostatistical and epidemiologic methods, study design, protocol preparation, patient monitoring, quality assurance, ethical and legal issues, and much more.

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

This course is an online lecture series covering the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline focused on rational drug development and utilization in therapeutics. The course focuses on the following core principles of pharmacology: pharmacokinetics; drug metabolism and transport; drug therapy in special populations; assessment of drug effects; drug discovery and development; pharmacogenomics and pharmacotherapy.

NIH Summer Course in Clinical and Translational Research

The NIH Summer Course in Clinical and Translational Research is a two-week intensive introductory course offered by the NIH Office of Clinical Research in Bethesda, Maryland. The purpose of the course is to demonstrate the role of PhD scientists in clinical and translational research, provide an overview and examples of how basic science and clinical observations lead to translational research, and increase awareness and access to PhD role models, research resources, and potential career opportunities at the NIH. The course is offered by NIH at no cost.

Biostatistics for Big Data Applications

Taught through Harvard University's edX platform, this course is offered online by UTMB Faculty Members Drs. James Graham and Heidi Spratt.

Description: This course provides a broad foundation of statistical terms and concepts as well as an introduction to the R statistical software package. The topics covered are fundamental components of biostatistical methods used in both omics and population health research. Can be audited for free.

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to serving the training needs of colleges and universities, health care institutions, technology and research organizations, and governmental agencies, as they foster integrity and professional advancement of their learners.

CITI Program is the third-party company UTMB uses for its mandatory human subjects training. To register for CITI, visit the website , select Register and register through University of Texas Medical Branch (SSO). It is important to select the SSO option so you will use your UTMB credentials to log in and your training will be included in your UTMB Learn transcript. Once you affiliate with UTMB, and select the type of research you conduct, your training will be assigned accordingly. CITI training is good for 3 years. You will be assigned a refresher in 3 years. You must stay current on your CITI training to remain an active investigator. This training also is required for anyone named in your study.

UTMB Learn: Fundamentals of Grants Management for Faculty

Fundamentals of Grants Management for Faculty is an online course required once for all faculty involved in sponsored research. To self-assign the course in Learn, log into Learn, open the Catalog and select Research. You will see the course in the research list. Click the plus sign to add it to your classes, then go to required training to launch the course.

Preclinical Research Resources

Intellectual Property, Commercialization or Transfer of Research Products

The Office of Technology Transfer manages The University of Texas Medical Branch's Intellectual property assets, while promoting and encouraging scientific research.

If you have an idea for something that can possibly be licensed or sold as a product idea, it is critical to the patent process that you contact UTMB's Tech Transfer and Commercialization Office BEFORE you present your research anywhere outside of your department.

If you are sending or receiving research material (samples, special reagents or cells) to/from anyone off campus, please contact Ade Lawal at the Office of Technology Transfer by phone at (409) 772-0369 to execute a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).