UTMB School of Nursing iLead Program
We are proud to be recognized as an Apple Distinguished School from 2021-2024, and 2024-2027 for our use of innovation in learning, teaching, and leading with technology in the classroom.
iLead Today
UTMB School of Nursing has successfully integrated Apple technology into our classrooms within the Department of Undergraduate Studies as well as our MSN Nurse Educator program and Telehealth Certificate program. Our experience demonstrates the 1:1 iPad implementation facilitates students' active learning and empowers innovative pedagogy for educating future nurses. The power and immediacy of the iPad technology facilitates students' engagement and encourages critical thinking in a manner equally accessible to novice and tech-savvy students.
UTMB School of Nursing's mission is to improve the health of diverse populations in Texas and around the world by advancing nursing excellence through leadership, clinical practice, education, research, and service. We strive to create future leaders in nursing education, promoters of high impact research, and transformers of health and health care, through a culture of innovation and creativity. Read more here.
iLead by the Numbers
Number of iPad Devices Distributed (1:1)
Every incoming BSN Traditional student since Summer 2019 has been issued an iPad and Apple Pencil. Every faculty member was issued an iPad and Apple Pencil a year before the students to get a head start on learning. Staff have been issued iPad devices for business process improvements.
Number of Classrooms Equiped
All classrooms on campus, including the inter-professional Health Education Center (HEC) and simulation debriefing rooms, are equiped with technology to facilitate the use of iPad devices for teaching, learning, and active participation. Multi-screen projection capabilities are available in the HEC for students to screen share in active learning methodology.
Apple & Integrated Technologies
- iPad & Apple Pencil
- AirPods & EarPods
- Apple TV
- Double Robots with iPad Mounts
- iPad Tripods & Light Rings
- Cases with Keyboards
- Apple Productivity Software
- iCloud / OneDrive
- Microsoft O365
- SimpleMind Pro
- Full Code
- Blackboard
- Double Robot Driver Software
- VPN & Citrix
- Panopto & VoiceThread
- Mersive Solstice
- FaceTime / Teams
- Adobe
Support Services Provided
- Technical Support and Documentation
- Software Support
- Hardware Support
- Distribution and Orientation
- QR Code Generation & Printing / Display
- Live Training Sessions / Bits-n-Bytes / Show & Share
School of Nursing
Fast Facts
Years of educating nurses
NCLEX pass rate
Students employed upon graduation
Number of alumni worldwide
BSN faculty Certified Apple Teacher
Students agree iPad is positive addition to curriculum
Having access to the iPad helped me better organize my notes and
textbooks onto one device, saved me money by purchasing e-versions
of the textbooks instead of paper copies, and really transformed how I
utilize technology for learning. Before coming to school here, I had
never used an iPad or tablet. I appreciate the efforts that everyone
at UTMB has put into implementing this technology initiative.
- Daniel Frost, 2021 BSN graduate

As the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way students and educators interact, UTMB faculty
members have gone the extra mile to balance safety requirements with maintaining interactivity with students.
In a recent simulation activity, 12 of the 119 senior nursing students visited campus to participate in person, while
the remainder did so remotely. Using the iPad, nursing students walked through the stations and broadcast the
activities to their classmates, via Zoom breakout rooms. Students were able to interact with faculty for clarification on
concepts or to ask for different views. iPad enhanced activities like this are extremely beneficial and allow students
to think in new ways. Delivering high-quality education is essential to our success, and the iPad keeps everyone connected.
Students were very engaged. Many of them had 'a-ha' moments while using the iPad during case studies and
creating a plan of care for a patient.
- BSN Faculty Member, M. Cangelosi
Next Steps
UTMB School of Nursing pioneered the first online graduate nursing education program in Texas in 1998. The tradition of embracing educational technology positioned us well to explore ways of expanding iLead beyond the BSN curriculum. Investigating innovative ideas as we adapt to new ways of learning using the iPad include: student project collaborations, presentations, assignments, and research. Additionally, we will continue to expand partnerships between graduate and undergraduate students through simulations using the iPad, including more virtual and augmented reality clinical applications, and enhancing flexible access to learning experiences using Double Robotics and telehealth technology. Interprofessional education between the Schools of Medicine and Health Professions will ensure ongoing sustainability by providing innovative training content resources for faculty and students supported by our dedicated Multimedia Lab team. We are also pleased to introduce the iLead program to our first cohort of DNP Nurse Anesthesia students in Fall of 2024.
I am incredibly excited to have our BSN to DNP Nurse Anesthesia program included in the iLead initiative. This integration represents a huge leap forward in educational excellence, blending cutting-edge technology with our rigorous curriculum to better prepare our students for the dynamic challenges of anesthesia.
- Dr. Cora Rabe, Associate Professor, Nurse Anesthesia Program Director